Build a Better Back

Online Pilates Program

…coming August 2024!

For poor posture and all the pain and niggles that comes with it!

Sign up below to join the waitlist and be the first to know when it launches!!

If your goal is…

  • Reduce back pain coming on while standing/walking from having a "weak back", to building a stronger core and back and improve posture..

  • Have others wondering why you’re able to stand/walk for longer and standing straighter.. 

  • Improve posture and body awareness

  •  ..while only taking 10-20 minutes per day (not even every day)..

  • the comfort of your own home..

  • a simplified way, based on years’ of experience and seeing what has worked for others..

  • a professional that has a special interest in back pain and Pilates..

 ’re in the right place!